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This week’s free goodies: year of the rooster colouring pages, calendars and wallpapers

This week’s free goodies: year of the rooster colouring pages, calendars and wallpapers

Happy new year of the rooster my friend!!

Yup, the greetings come a week late but we still have 51 more graphicalicious weeks to celebrate until the next chinese new year! ;D

So you might guess this week’s freebies will have a theme of the rooster. Here they are!

February colouring calendars

February calendars with illustration on gold, red and yellow background colours.

Desktop wallpapers

Mobile phone wallpapers

As always, login to THE ARTFUL FREEBIE CLUB to download. If you are a member already, you can find the login information in each of my email. Don’t have access yet? Signup here. 

Enjoy the goodies and have a graphicalicious week! Happy new year of the rooster!!

I create whimsical doodles, folksy colouring designs, modern and Javanese brush lettering, intuitive collages and write about my journey living with several autoimmune conditions. One might be chronically ill, but at the same time chronically creative too! :)


  • February 9

    I absolutely adore your art and your work, Amreta! It’s gorgeous and so delightfully charming!

    • February 14

      Thank you so much Tara! You kind words made my day!

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